reflection: utilities for processing reflection coefficient traces

Code author: Peter Kraus, Darko Kajfez

Provides several functions for processing reflection coefficient traces. Includes a few trace pruning functions, as well as several algorithms for fitting of quality factors to the reflection trace data. The use of the peak-height based pruning via prune_cutoff() and Kajfez’s circle fitting algorithm [Kajfez1994] via qf_kajfez() is recommended.


prune_cutoff(real, imag, freq[, near, ...])

Cutoff-based reflection coefficient trace prune.

prune_gradient(real, imag, freq[, near, ...])

Gradient-based reflection coefficient trace prune.

qf_kajfez(real, imag, freq[, iterations, output])

Kajfez's circle-fitting algorithm.

qf_naive(real, imag, freq[, output])

Naive quality factor fitting algorithm using FWHM.

qf_lorentz(real, imag, freq[, output])

Quality factor fitting algorithm using Lorentzian approximation.

[Kajfez1994] (1,2)

Kajfez, D. Linear fractional curve fitting for measurement of high Q factors, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 1994, 42, 1149 - 1153, DOI:

dgpost.transform.reflection.prune_cutoff(real: Quantity, imag: Quantity, freq: Quantity, near: Quantity = None, cutoff: float = 0.4, height: float = 0.2, output: str = 'pruned') dict[str, Quantity]

Cutoff-based reflection coefficient trace prune.

Prunes the reflection trace around a single peak position in \(|\Gamma|\). The pruning is performed using a cutoff value in the \(|\Gamma|\). Should be used with qf_kajfez(). Unless a frequency value using near is specified, the pruning is performed around the global maximum in \(\log(|\Gamma|)\).

  • real – A pint.Quantity object containing the real part of the reflection coefficient data, \(\text{Re}(\Gamma)\). Unitless.

  • imag – A pint.Quantity object containing the imaginary part of the reflection coefficient data, \(\text{Im}(\Gamma)\). Unitless.

  • freq – A pint.Quantity object containing the frequencies \(f\) corresponding to the reflection coefficient data. Defaults to Hz.

  • near – A frequency used to select the point around which to prune. By default, pruning is performed around the highest peak in \((1 - \Gamma)\). When near is set, the peak nearest in frequency as identified using find_peaks() will be used for pruning.

  • cutoff – Relative peak height below which the reflection trace should be pruned. Uses a fraction of normalised \(|\Gamma|\). Defaults to 0.4.

  • height – Peak height in \((1 - \Gamma)\) passed to find_peaks(), defaults to 0.2.

  • output – Name for the output namespace. Defaults to "pruned".


retvals – A dictionary containing the pruned values of real, imag and freq data stored in namespaced pint.Quantities.

Return type:

dict[str, pint.Quantity]

dgpost.transform.reflection.prune_gradient(real: Quantity, imag: Quantity, freq: Quantity, near: Quantity = None, threshold: float = 1e-06, output: str = 'pruned') dict[str, Quantity]

Gradient-based reflection coefficient trace prune.

Prunes the reflection trace around a single peak position in \(|\Gamma|\). The pruning is performed using the a threshold value in the gradient of \(|\Gamma|\). Unless a frequency value using near is specified, the pruning is performed around the global maximum in \(\log(|\Gamma|)\).

  • real – A pint.Quantity object containing the real part of the reflection coefficient data, \(\text{Re}(\Gamma)\). Unitless.

  • imag – A pint.Quantity object containing the imaginary part of the reflection coefficient data, \(\text{Im}(\Gamma)\). Unitless.

  • freq – A pint.Quantity object containing the frequencies \(f\) corresponding to the reflection coefficient data. Defaults to Hz.

  • near – A frequency used to select the point around which to prune. By default, pruning is performed around the highest peak in \((1 - \Gamma)\). When near is set, the peak nearest in frequency as identified using find_peaks() will be used for pruning.

  • threshold – Threshold for the gradient in the \(\text{abs}(\Gamma)\) below which the trace is pruned. Defaults to 1e-6.

  • output – Name for the output namespace. Defaults to "pruned".


ret – A dictionary containing the pruned values of real, imag and freq data stored in namespaced pint.Quantities.

Return type:

dict[str, pint.Quantity]

dgpost.transform.reflection.qf_kajfez(real: Quantity, imag: Quantity, freq: Quantity, iterations: int = 5, output: str = None) dict[str, Quantity]

Kajfez’s circle-fitting algorithm.

Adapted with permission from Q0REFL.m, which is a part of [Kajfez1994]. This fitting process attempts to fit a circle to a near-circular section of points on a Smith’s chart. It’s robust, quick, and reliable, and produces reasonable error estimates.

  • real – A pint.Quantity object containing the real part of the reflection coefficient data, \(\text{Re}(\Gamma)\). Unitless.

  • imag – A pint.Quantity object containing the imaginary part of the reflection coefficient data, \(\text{Im}(\Gamma)\). Unitless.

  • freq – A pint.Quantity object containing the frequencies \(f\) corresponding to the reflection coefficient data. Defaults to Hz.

  • iterations – A number of iterations for circle-fitting refinement. Default is 5.

  • output – Name for the output namespace. Defaults to no namespace.


ret – An optionally namespaced dictionary containing the fitted values of \(Q_0\) and \(f_0\) as pint.Quantities.

Return type:

dict[str, pint.Quantity]

dgpost.transform.reflection.qf_naive(real: Quantity, imag: Quantity, freq: Quantity, output: str = None) dict[str, Quantity]

Naive quality factor fitting algorithm using FWHM.

This fit finds the central frequency \(f_0\), determines the full-width at the half-maximum \(\Delta f_{HM}\) by linear interpolation, and calculates the quality factor using \(Q_0 = f_0 / \Delta f_{HM}\).


This quality factor fitting algorithm is unreliable and has been implemented only for testing purposes. Use qf_kajfez() for any production runs!


A pint.Quantity object containing the real part of the reflection coefficient data, \(\text{Re}(\Gamma)\). Unitless.


A pint.Quantity object containing the imaginary part of the reflection coefficient data, \(\text{Im}(\Gamma)\). Unitless.


A pint.Quantity object containing the frequencies \(f\) corresponding to the reflection coefficient data. Defaults to Hz.


Name for the output namespace. Defaults to no namespace.


ret – An optionally namespaced dictionary containing the fitted values of \(Q_0\) and \(f_0\) as pint.Quantities.

Return type:

dict[str, pint.Quantity]

dgpost.transform.reflection.qf_lorentz(real: Quantity, imag: Quantity, freq: Quantity, output: str = None) dict[str, Quantity]

Quality factor fitting algorithm using Lorentzian approximation.

This fit fits a Lorentzian to the (pruned) data. The \(f_0 = x_0\), and the \(Q_0\) is calculated from \(x_0 / \Delta x = x_0 / (2\gamma)\). Uncertainties of \(f_0\) and \(Q_0\) are calculated using the covariance matrix of the fit of \(L(x)\) to \(|\Gamma(f)|\).


This quality factor fitting algorithm is unreliable and has been implemented only for testing purposes. Use qf_kajfez() for any production runs!


A pint.Quantity object containing the real part of the reflection coefficient data, \(\text{Re}(\Gamma)\). Unitless.


A pint.Quantity object containing the imaginary part of the reflection coefficient data, \(\text{Im}(\Gamma)\). Unitless.


A pint.Quantity object containing the frequencies \(f\) corresponding to the reflection coefficient data. Defaults to Hz.


Name for the output namespace. Defaults to no namespace.


ret – An optionally namespaced dictionary containing the fitted values of \(Q_0\) and \(f_0\) as pint.Quantities.

Return type:

dict[str, pint.Quantity]