dgpost: datagram post-processing toolkit

https://badgen.net/badge/docs/dgbowl.github.io/grey?icon=firefox https://badgen.net/pypi/v/dgpost/?icon=pypi https://badgen.net/github/tag/dgbowl/dgpost/?icon=github

A set of datagram postprocessing tools, functions, visualisations and export scripts.

dgpost is a Python library for reproducible postprocessing of time-resolved data. It provides functions to load data from NetCDF files, JSON datagrams, and pd.DataFrames, automatic datapoint interpolation using unix timestamps, a library of transformation functions with implementations of common calculations in chemistry, catalysis, electrochemistry, etc., and convenience functions to save and plot the calculated data.

dgpost relies on the Recipe schema, defined in the dgbowl_schemas.dgpost.recipe module of that package.

In addition to the above, dgpost is fully unit- and uncertainty-aware, using the pint and uncertainties packages.