dgpost usage


A detailed, interactive usage manual has been prepared as part of the Lock, stock, and barrel manuscript. The Binder-ready data archive, as well as the direct Binder link are below:

https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.7941528.svg https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg

dgpost is intended for use in two modes:

  • with a recipe as an executable: dgpost <recipe.yml>

  • as a Python library: import dgpost.utils and import dgpost.transform

These two usage modes are described below:

dgpost as an executable

This is the main user-focused way of using dgpost. The user should craft a recipe, written in yaml, which includes a prescription of the steps to be performed by dgpost. Currently supported steps are:

  • load: load a NetCDF or JSON datagram, or a pd.DataFrame

  • extract: extract and interpolate data from the loaded files into a table

  • pivot: reorganise the data in the table using columns as indices for pivoting, grouping several rows of the original table into a single row

  • transform: use a function from the dgpost.transform library to process the data in the table, creating new columns

  • plot: plot parts of the table using our custom wrapper around matplotlib

  • save: export the created table for further use

Each of the above keywords can be only specified once in the recipe, however more than one command can be specified for each of the keywords (i.e. it’s possible to load multiple files, apply several transform functions, etc.). Detailed syntax of each of the above steps is further described in the documentation of each of the keywords within the dgpost.utils module.

dgpost can be used to process multiple datasets, in a batch-like mode, using the --patch argument. For this, the recipe should contain either $patch or $PATCH in the str defining the path in the load step. The same string can be included in the as argument of the save and/or the save->as argument of the plot steps. Then, dgpost can be executed using

dgpost --patch <patchname> <yamlfile>

and the paths in the provided yamlfile containing the recipe will be patched using patchname.

dgpost as a Python library

For advanced users and more complex workflows, dgpost can be also imported as a standard python library with import dgpost. The functions within dgpost are split into two key modules:

  • dgpost.utils module, containing the ancilliary data management functions of dgpost, and

  • dgpost.transform module, containing all “scientific” data transformation functions.

See the documentation of the two respective modules for details. The functionality of dgpost can be used from within e.g. Jupyter notebooks in this way.